P-05-960 Fund the funeral costs of all NHS staff who die from or with Covid-19 – Correspondence from the Petitioner to the Committee, 18.09.20


Dear Petitions Committee,


Thank you so much for the work you are doing to keep this discussion on the table. I have been proud to see each of the committee respond so positively to this request understanding how we, the people of Wales, owe a debt of gratitude to NHS staff. We simply want the costs of the funerals for NHS staff dying of Covid-19 to be covered by the tax payers who have relied on their service through the pandemic.


I have read Vaughan Gething’s letter and am delighted that officials are considering the practicalities. Many of us involved in the petition have been hoping that the arrangement could be as simple as a single one off grant application operated by funeral homes based on the production of an NHS staff number. The critical thing is to make it quick, simple and up front so that the families have one less burden to bear in what we know is an intolerably stressful time. The other thing I would like to stress is that the intention of the petition is, and has always been, to offer this to all NHS staff specifically including all non-British citizens who are working for the NHS. If people offer care on an equal basis we should return our compassion to them on the same basis.


On several occasions people have asked about other staff, such as care home staff, and I certainly believe natural justice would suggest that this should be investigated.


We hope with all sincerity that by approving this petition, the Welsh Government can show the lead in compassion in the UK,


Thanks to all on the committee for your determination to keep this issue alive


Jane Henderson  with the support of Ashlea Harris, Misha Slough and Karin Wahl Jorgensen